Twinkle...twinkle....little stars........

I always admire at watching the children in the village.They are  happy and enjoying  their life. They are very energetic,capable of doing things;can survive in any situations.Nobody have taught them ;how to swim...still they swim like  well trained kids.I think encouraging our child to swim regularly can have many benefits for both their health and safety Swimming is away to keep cool while encouraging a healthy level of physical and social activity.  It is one of most effective workout than some other activities.                                                                 By teaching our child to swim,they will not become a stronger swimmer,but also gain great experience in the water.This training reduces the risk of an emergency.Swimming is a way to prevent childhood obesity;which has been linked to juvenile diabetes.It promotes heart and lung health.Swimming from childhood improves strength ,flexibility,stamina,etc.Also balances mental and emotional health .Moreover we must realize health is wealth.
