Application of technology in rural farming.

Nowadays,The Indian farmers are in a mode of change.Application of technology in rural farming is widespread .There is a shift from tradition to modern.Many innovative ideas and methods are experimenting in daily farming.This is due to various factors.The main reason is increasing wages.The farmers are not able to afford the daily expenses while comparing with the reward from farm.They always consider cost and benefits in order to survive.Also  there is a tendency to make interpersonal relation among each other.They share not only the new ideas but the materials too. This year sufficient rain improved the growth of cultivation as well as weeds;removing it from cultivated land is a great task.Even the small farmers say, they automatically depend on weed cutting machine;but it should be handled with much care, otherwise there is a chance to cuts off saplings along with unwanted weeds. Despite removed weeds will become good manure; they have become more organic, dream of bright future. The style of farming is totally changed. I think advancement of the agricultural sector gives a great positive impact that is beneficial for everyone;it is our soul,the way of life,a part of culture.Because agriculture is the back bone of Indian Economy.
